Cheap Hotels In Paris

Cheap Hotels in Paris are amongst the most affordable of all European capital cities. This is what shows a 2007 survey of the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau. The study also highlights that the average price you would pay in Europe for budget hotels (2 Star) is 113 €. Paris Budget Hotels are around an average of 83 €, lower than the European average.
You will also find Cheap Hotels In Paris among the mid-range sector (3 star). Paris average is 173 € in this range, still below European average of 176 €.
How Cheap?
The question you might ask yourself is how cheap you should go when looking for a cheap hotel in Paris? The answer is don’t go too low because with hotels like most things in life you will get what you pay for. From my experience and the many customer reviews I have gone through try to stay above the 70ish € if you want something decent.
After a day out visiting the city at a hectic pace it is always nice to be able to cool down in a quiet clean room with no cigarette smells and leaking tap or having to deal with a rude front desk person. I am not saying that all Cheap Hotels In Paris under 70€ are a tourist nightmare it is just that odds are not on your side if you aim under that kind of price.
If your budget is really tight you might want to check the Bed and Breakfast In Paris as an alternative. They are a great low budget accommodation solution.

Star Ratings
The other thing we need to talk about is the French star rating system. They are awarded to hotels by a government run agency. What you should know is that the rating criteria might be different from what you can expect in your own country. Don’t put too much weight on it when choosing a hotel in Paris. So while it's obvious that a no-star hotel won't be as nice as a four-star hotel, I've actually seen some two-stars that are better than three-stars.
Use your common sense instead and cross reference info with different unbiased customer review websites (I’ll give you a list below). It is also good to send an email to the hotel directly and see how quick they respond and how helpful they are.
What to expect?
If you have never been to a cheap hotel In Paris before you might be surprise by the size of the room. For a room under 150 € it will probably be smaller than you expect especially if you live in the US. The bathroom will also be smaller and so will the double beds as well as the elevator in most cases. It is just Paris standards for that range of accommodation. If you want more space you will have to pay more.

Choose your Cheap Hotel In Paris
Now that we have crunched the numbers lets get into action. What I have done here is made a selection of Cheap Hotels In Paris. I have set an average price range per room between 75€ and 150€. This will include hotels in the 2 star and 3 star categories. I have made a selection going through unbiased customer reviews across different review websites and booking platforms (List at the bottom of this page). I have selected hotels with an average customer review mark over 7 out of 10.
This will give you a good selection of quality Cheap Hotels in Paris you can start your research with. This obviously is not carved in stone and it is important that you do your due diligence according to your visiting tastes and goals.
The maps below group the hotels by major tourist areas in Paris. Click on markers on the maps or sidebars and follow the links in the pop up windows once you have found what you were looking for.
Average prices are indicative only please refer to hotel websites or booking platforms for latest rates.

Cheap Hotels In Latin Quarter and Surrounding area:
Districts 5 6 7 13

Cheap Hotels In Montmartre and Surrounding area:
Districts 18 19 20

Cheap Hotels In Le Marais - Le Louvre and surrounding area:
Districts 1 2 3 4

Cheap Hotels In Bastille - Oberkampf and surrounding area:
Districts 10 11 12

Cheap Hotels In Champs Elysees and surrounding area:
Districts 8 9 16 17

Online review websites and booking platforms for your search of Cheap Hotels in Paris:
These websites will help you sharpen your hotel search get more info and book online. You might want to start with the review sites. Have a look at the forums ask questions or search answers.
Online booking platforms have user reviews you can have a look at even though I wouldn’t put too much weight on it. Finally don’t forget to check the hotels websites (the link in the pop up windows on the maps above) and compare the prices offered with the online booking platforms.

Review sites


Online booking platforms

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